Hi, I am Ankit Lenka

Full-Stack Developer

a picture of Jane Smith smiling

What I do

Front end development

I have a knack for making creative,beautiful websites.I have hands-on experience on HTML,CSS,javaScript,jQuery etc.I have interned as a front-end web developer in a startup also i am currenty learning React.js to add another tool to my bag.

Back end development

A beautiful site with no functionality is of no use.I have learned backend technologies using hands-on projects.The technologies include node.js,Express,MongoDB,MySQL,Security and authentication of websites.I have also worked on some other frameworks such as chart.js,p5.js and socket.io.

Web designing

For me, a good design goes a long way into making a good website.I have always stressed more on the design aspect of my websites rather than the development aspect.It is what gives originality to your website and i always try to incorporate that within my projects as well.

See my work

Who I am

Designer & developer based in New-Delhi

I'm a web designer / developer based in New Delhi, India. I have a passion for web design and love to create for web and mobile devices ❤.

I like to keep it simple. My goals are to focus on typography, content and conveying the message that you want to send.

I'm a developer, so I know how to create your website to run across devices using the latest technologies available.


My work

A selection of my range of work